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Why you may not be driving as fast as you think?

By, 2018-04-18



The speedometer in the car is one of the main parts of the car which is impossible to dispense in any way. The speedometer is located directly behind the steering wheel and its function is to determine the speed of the vehicle. Have you ever noticed that the speed on the speedometer is higher than the actual speed?



Before answering this question, do you know the types of speedometer?


1. Mechanical speedometer:


The first type of speedometer that appeared and it was initially an addition to those who want to add to his car. However, speedometer becomes a necessity after the increase of car accidents.



2. Electronic counter:


It is the modern technology of mechanical speedometer. Cars have turned to be electronic, so speedometer are supposed to be too.



Watch: 8 Ways Police stop Dangerous Cars.




What is the secret behind the unrealistic speeds in the car speedometer?


If the speed limit of your car is 180 km per hour you will find that the speedometer in your car has signs up to 220 km per hour and there are some cars contain much faster speeds. What is the reason?


Keep in mind that 80% of cars on the road can not exceed the speed of 170 km per hour, and tires in general can not afford to walk at high speeds over long distances.



Where do these high speeds come from?


Larry Domenech, a car expert and a former Nissan employee, said that the reason for these unrealistic speeds is a way of marketing to make more profits. Most people look at the speedometer and think the engine is strong if they find big numbers on the speedometer.



Further reading: What to do when you see an accident?



Are there any negative consequences for having unreal speeds on the vehicle speedometer?


There is a big difference between truth and fiction. The presence of unreal numbers on the car's speedometer makes the drivers believe that there are more speeds than they are now driving and increase the speed of the car and thus increase accidents.



Does anyone make a reaction?


• In 1979, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration issued a law banning the production of speedometers, but this decision was canceled just two years after it was issued after the pressure from car manufacturers.


• Car manufacturers are now required to place a warning sign, either in color or sound, when the speed reaches 120 km to alert the driver.



What should you do now?


First you should not focus on the numbers on the speedometers when you buy a new car and do not set it a standard of your choice. Focus on the power of the engine and other essential things.



Further reading: How to buy new wheels for your car?



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